USIS CONSULTING – A comprehensive solution for investors under the EB-5 program


USIS CONSULTING is founded in 2016, to provide a comprehensive solution to investors under the EB-5 program and Vietnamese businesses with consulting services in the fields of the United States include: tax and finance, trade promotion, business investment, real estate, etc.

Đội ngũ của USIS CONSULTING là các chuyên gia nhiều kinh nghiệm trong lĩnh vực điều hành và quản lý kinh doanh ở Mỹ

USIS CONSULTING team are experienced professionals in the field of business operation and business management in the United States. They are helpful consultants for the investors to make profit quickly.

USIS CONSULTING còn là nơi tư vấn chi tiết cho khách hàng trong những ngày đầu trên đất Mỹ các vấn đề về chọn nhà ở, trường học cho con, bảo hiểm, thuế

USIS CONSULTING is also a place for getting professional advices on issues such as: choosing dwelling house, school for their children, insurances, taxation from their first days in the U.S. … to make sure the comfortable and contentment life for clients.

USIS CONSULTING is founded with a mission “accompanying with Vietnamese living in the U.S”, “being a bridge to bring Vietnamese entrepreneurs to the vast ocean - international market”, it will be a reliable partner for clients who wish to invest and settle in the U.S.

USIS CONSULTING offers the following services:

    1. To register for Copyright ( logo, brand, brand identifier in the U.S.)
    2. Business Center (to establish the office address in form of Business Center)
    3. Establish a branch office (L1)
    4. Deploy the trade fair (To make activities in organizing trade fairs for companies)
    5. Import & export activities (IM/EX) (to provide consulting services to meet the import and export standards as prescribed by the US for the company’s products)
    1. Tax declaration procedures
    2. Financial planning for study abroad
    3. Insurance
    1. Dwelling house
    2. Business
    1. Taxation
    2. Education
    3. Real estate
    4. Trade promotion between USA - Vietnam